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Other Technical Matters



The site is located entirely within Flood Zone 1 and is therefore at low risk of flooding from rivers. The site is mostly at low risk of flooding from surface water, with isolated higher risk areas located at existing points of low ground. 


The outline drainage strategy for the site has been strategically designed to work with the existing low points and flows and is based on providing Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) throughout the development to ensure there is no adverse impact on either flood risk or water quality. It includes a green-blue infrastructure approach, tying in with the proposed landscaping and biodiversity to provide multi-functional green spaces. SuDS basins are indicated in areas of lower ground where water already collects.


A site-specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is being prepared, which assesses the flood risk from all sources and outlines appropriate mitigation measures, including an allowance for future climate change. This will be submitted with the forthcoming planning application. 

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Other Technical Reports  


When our public consultation events have finished, the project team will review all the comments and feedback provided and review the proposed development in light of these comments. 


We will prepare a series of other technical reports, including ground conditions, agricultural land and minerals, noise, and air quality to support a forthcoming application. 



There are no designated heritage assets located within the site boundary, so there will be no physical harm to any designated heritage assets as a result of the proposed development. 


The design and layout of the site has been considered in a way which is sensitive to the nearby heritage assets in the wider surrounding area. Significant areas of open space and landscape buffers are proposed throughout the site to ensure there is no harm to the nearby heritage assets. The closest Listed Building to the development is the Grade II listed Seghill Hall. The landscape and heritage team have worked together to design a scheme which incorporates a landscape buffer to ensure that there is no impact on the setting of this heritage asset. 


There are a number of other designated assets within 2km of the site, the majority being Grade II listed buildings and two conservation areas. The key assets have been identified as two Scheduled Ancient Monuments (an Enclosure, NE of Burradon and Burradon Tower) and one Grade II* Registered Park and Garden (Seaton Delaval). The proposed scheme would not cause harm to views within these heritage assets given the limited visibility of the site. 

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